Study achievement motivations among students in the college of Basic Education, University of Raparin


  • Sivan Omar Ismael Department Kindergarten, College of Basic Education, University of Raparin, Rania, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.


Motivation, Study motivations, Study achievement motivation


A brief About the Research Motivation of Gaining is an important and effective reason for Directing individual's behavior and activation of understanding and feeling for the situations. In addition for helping individual's for Understanding and explaining of individual's behavior and others around him/her. In another way Motivation of Gaining is the main thing For everyone's Attempting for Directing in doing things according to the individual's behavior. Because Individual himself /herself attention and feeling about himself/herself by the things he/ she trying to do in life. This research is a great attempt to know the Average of Motivation of Gaining accounting to the students at College of education at Raparin University Generally, and it is a great Way to know Level of Motivations Of Gaining according to the Students of primary College of education. According to the The ones (Gene, Level) This research consists of Four Parts. The first part is about giving information the Main purpose of the research. The second part is about the theory of the research. The third part is about the core of the research. The last and the fourth part is about explaining The results and show them with the Solutions. The Researcher is used the theory of Description. The society of the research includes the most students of primary College of education /University of Raparin. An example of the research includes about (100) students hierarchy from the students at this college from the First stage to the Fourth stage students. The Main things that used in this research is level of thinking according to the motivation of Gaining. (1979 knani) The main things that are used are the core of the counting and results of the Alpha crombagh. The most important results of this research that have gotten are shown that the Motivation of the Gaining is so Low according to the example of the research. But there is no differentiate between the Genders. An in the end The solution and suggestions are shown.


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How to Cite

Ismael, S. O. (2019). Study achievement motivations among students in the college of Basic Education, University of Raparin. Journal of University of Raparin, 7(1), 419–437. Retrieved from



Humanities & Social Sciences