'Rebellion as an Avant-Garde Spirit in Handren's Poetry


  • Hazhar Ahmed Abdulghafur Kurdish department, faculty of arts, soran university, Soran, Kurdistan region, Iraq.
  • Hadar Safari Naqab Kurdish department, faculty of arts, soran university, Soran, Kurdistan region, Iraq.




Avant-Garde, Rebellion, Creation, Handren.


The leadership of authors and artists has long been a significant issue, concerning the existence and nature of art and literature. Also, it has always been discussed that literature and art are concerning issues, inventing new things, and having perspectives that ordinary people are not capable to feel, know or do them. Thus, there has always been a sort of differentiation or specialty among artists. In the modern era, this has been known as being avant-garde. The present study is entitled 'Rebellion as an Avant-Garde Spirit in Handren's Poetry'. It is an attempt to explain and explore the avant-garde character of the poet. The study attempts to manifest avant-gardism in the rebellious character of the poet. To do so, the study analyzes the sociopolitical background of the poet's life. This has been done by using the analytical descriptive method. Through collecting and analyzing the data, the research found and can argue that the author is criticizing society and the views on Kurdish political tradition. He, therefore, can be assumed as an embodiment of an avant-garde spirit.


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How to Cite

Abdulghafur, H. A. ., & Naqab, H. S. . (2023). ’Rebellion as an Avant-Garde Spirit in Handren’s Poetry. Journal of University of Raparin, 10(3), 713–737. https://doi.org/10.26750/Vol(10).No(3).Paper31



Humanities & Social Sciences