What is critique in Kant’s Critical philosophy


  • Nawzad Jamal Faraj Department of Philosophy, College of Art, University of Salahaddin, Erbil, Kurdistan Region , Iraq.



الكلمات المفتاحية:

Critics, Goal, Function, Transcendental Philosophy .


This paper tries to answer a main question: what is critics and criticism? It is obvious that Kant’s philosophy marked by “Criticism” which is defined as a philosophical turn in the history of philosophy. In Kant’s philosophy critic is not just a title of his three main books, but it is his way of look at philosophy and the role of philosopher. In other words, the main task of philosophy and philosophizing, it is not defending or interpreting a single philosophical perspective, but it is to judge and criticize all kinds of philosophical enquires.

This mean that since Kant’s approach, philosophical inquiry has taken another direction: toward the critic of philosophical subjects. Philosophy have to start with critic of reason and its scope. And reason alone is in charge of criticizing. In other words, reason is the suspicious guilty one and the defender in the court of reason.


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ابراهیم، د. ز.، ط الاولی ١٩٦٣. کانط او الفلسفة النقدیة: عبقریات فلسفیة. مكان غير معروف:مکتبة مصر.




كيفية الاقتباس

Faraj, N. J. (2020). What is critique in Kant’s Critical philosophy. Journal of University of Raparin, 7(4), 156–172. https://doi.org/10.26750/Vol(7).No(4).Paper9



Humanities & Social Sciences