Classification of Abstract Noun and The Productive of its Affixes in Kurdish Language


  • Sherzad Saeed Sedeeq Kurdish Department, Faculty of Education, Universety of Soran, Soran, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.
  • Omer Salih Khdir Kurdish Department, College of Education, Universety of Raparin, Rania, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Productivity, Abstract Noun, Word Formation, Affix.


This research is entitled “ Classification of abstract noun and the productive of its affixes in Kurdish language”. The importance of this study shows that before in linguistic sources, any noun that was not concrete was named abstract noun and was not classified more, but this research tries to classify the abstract nouns according to the concept and field they reach. It is also an attempt to demonstrate the rate of activity and productivity of the affixes that make abstract noun and a role in enriching the Kurdish language dictionary. The research consists of two section: the first section except for the introduction and summary theoretically talked about the concept, term and definition of the productivity. Also, in general the nouns and types of nouns are mentioned in terms of existence (concrete and abstract), then the types of abstract noun are classified. In the second section, practically the productive of the affixes in creating the types of abstract nouns are presented examples. Finally, the results and list of references are shown.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Sedeeq, S. S. ., & Khdir, O. S. . (2022). Classification of Abstract Noun and The Productive of its Affixes in Kurdish Language. Journal of University of Raparin, 9(5), 204–228.



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