The Importance of the Rule of Law in Governance


  • Daham Smko Hussein Lecturer at Koya University, Faculty of Humanity and Social Science-Koya-Iraq.
  • Kittisak Jermsittiparsert , Social Research Institute, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
  • Paiman Ahmad Lecturer in Law and Administration departments


الكلمات المفتاحية:

governance, rule of law, government, public institutions


The purpose of this paper is to critically analyze the theory of governance and the role of law. The paper attempts to provide a constructive understanding of the rule of law and governance clearly. This study is composed of three main parts; the first part examines the literature on the concept of governance and its solid theoretical foundations. The second part reviews rule of law and the role of government in the process of governance. Third part intends to broaden the understanding of how governance is affected by rule of law especially in the developing world. The last part of this study deals with the conclusions and findings.

The theoretical relevance of this paper contributes to a better understanding of specific components and factors that interlink governance and rule of law together in the public institutions. The main thesis of this study is, to what extend governance is affected by the rule of law?


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كيفية الاقتباس

Hussein, D. S., Jermsittiparsert, K., & Ahmad, P. (2019). The Importance of the Rule of Law in Governance. Journal of University of Raparin, 6(1), 73–90.



Humanities & Social Sciences