The impact of an aerobic exercise rehabilitation program on stroke patients' ability to walk more comfortably and some physiological indicators


  • Faraidun Qadir Hama rash Presidency of university of Raparin, Ranya, Kurdistan region, Iraq.
  • Saber Mohammad Khaled Faculty of Physical Education, Koya University, Koya, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.
  • Ahmed Saeed Ahmed Ministry of Education, General Directorate of Education, Directorate of preparation and Training, Erbil, Kurdistan region, Iraq.


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Aerobic Exercise, Rehabilitation Program, Stroke Patients, Walk, Physiological Indicators..


Since stroke is the third leading cause of mortality worldwide, numerous studies must be done to attempt and determine what causes it, how to diagnose it quickly, and how to treat it properly to prevent advanced stages or total disability. The list of most frequent neurological system injuries includes stroke, which leaves victims with motor disabilities. Walking is one of the most frequently used motor skills since it is so integral to daily living, and a stroke frequently results in issues with how the body moves generally, such as the ability to walk. As we know, physical exercises, including aerobic exercises, are nothing more than operations to subject the vital systems of the body under the influence of physical exercises that lead to the occurrence of physiological and morphological changes that result in an increase in body efficiency and his ability. The injured person is treated by taking care of the manifestations of weakness of some muscles, ligaments, and joints. The current study sought to determine how an aerobic exercise-based rehabilitation program affected stroke patients' ability to walk and several physiological parameters. The study's findings showed that the rehabilitation program using aerobic exercises affects the improvement of walking skill and some physiological variables among stroke patients. The researchers used the experimental approach in a one group design, and the sample size was ten patients with stroke who were referred to a physiotherapy center in Koya city.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Qadir Hama rash, F., Mohammad Khaled, S., & Saeed Ahmed, A. (2023). The impact of an aerobic exercise rehabilitation program on stroke patients’ ability to walk more comfortably and some physiological indicators. Journal of University of Raparin, 10(4), 742–752.



Humanities & Social Sciences