The USA policy towards Iraq Feb 8-1963- July17-1968


  • Harem Hasan Ahmed Baban Department of History, College of Human Science, University of Raparin – Rania, Kurdistan Region-Iraq.
  • Mohammed Abdullah Kakasur Department of History, College of Arts, University of Salahaddin – Erbil, Kurdistan Region - Iraq.


The Foreign Policy of USA, The relationship between USA and Iraq, Cold War, The Baaths party in power


The USA policy towards Iraq 1963-1968,is one of the significant topics that has been given special attention by researchers, especially the America’s role in bringing the Baathists to power in Iraq and recognizing them.
Another issue that has been taken care of by America is how to strengthen its political, cultural, and economic ties, especially its oil relations with Iraq. Because of Iraq was one of main forces in the Middle East during the Cold War, Therefore, it has become an important site to American interest .
On the other hand, there were some external factors that had a negative impact on the US foreign policy towards Iraq during this period. Among those factors, the Arab-Israel and the problem of western oil partners that were operating in Iraq at that time. However during existing these issues, the cultural and economic relations between USA and Iraq was still remain.


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How to Cite

Baban, H. H. A., & Kakasur, M. A. (2020). The USA policy towards Iraq Feb 8-1963- July17-1968. Journal of University of Raparin, 7(2), 391–415. Retrieved from



Humanities & Social Sciences