Speed Reading and its impact on Understanding and Increasing the number of words(experimental research)


  • Moaid Ismail Jarjis Department of Educational and Psychological Counseling, College of Education, University of Salahaddin – Erbil, Kurdistan Region - Iraq.
  • Bazyan Satar Khafur Department of Educational and Psychological Counseling, College of Education, University of Salahaddin – Erbil, Kurdistan Region - Iraq.


Speed Reading , Understanding & increase the number of words, female students of the internal section (18) at the University of Salahaddin - Erbil.


In the current empirical research, the researchers aimed to prepare a scale and program on rapid reading and its impact on understanding and increasing the number of words as it went (Tony Buzan, 2011 - 2018). The program was based on a sample consisting of (14) equal female students in terms of age, sex, social status and level of education, as one experimental group of students of the internal section (18) at the University of Salahaddin - Erbil. The importance of the current empirical research is that reading fast teaches students to learn new ways of reading and understanding and increasing the number of words, and left the previous misconceptions in reading and understanding, which we learned from childhood in schools, where it was an obstacle to reading fast and understanding and increase the number of words and benefit from the effort and time as well. The accuracy of the visual reliability and the stability of the method test and re-test were verified. The apparent of the visual reliability was 100% and the stability coefficient was 91%. The pre-test was carried out on the experimental group and the program was applied to them and then the post-test was performed on them. Statistical analysis of the social sciences (Spss) showed the results: 1. Prepare a rapid reading program 2. There is a statistically significant difference between the arithmetic mean value of the pre- test and the post-test, in favor for the post-test in degree of freedom (26) at the level of statistical significance (0.001) This means that the independent variable (Quick Reading Program) has an effective effect on the dependent variables (understanding and increasing the number of words). In the light of the results, the researchers presented some recommendations and suggestions.


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How to Cite

Jarjis, M. I., & Khafur, B. S. (2020). Speed Reading and its impact on Understanding and Increasing the number of words(experimental research). Journal of University of Raparin, 7(2), 331–364. Retrieved from https://journal.raparinuni2024.org/index.php/JUR/article/view/paper15



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