The social Diexes in the elector’s Language


  • Shilan Othman Abdulrahman Kurdish Language Department, College of Basic Education, Salahadden University,Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.


Social Deixis, Power and Solidarity, Culture.


The above is the title of this study . The aim of the social diexes is to show its impact on the speech of its members . the social diexes include mam , khal , westa , haji , sheikh …etc in Kurdish. They are a branch of the ragmatic signs which composite of setting : time , place , person , text and social figures .

The language of propaganda in election is a kind of language used of praising which electors use to persuade voters . This study attempts to investigate that language in the process of election.

Readers expected interesting results , the study shows that 83% of the electors use this language in the posters while 17% of them neglected , do not use this language.


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How to Cite

Abdulrahman, S. O. (2020). The social Diexes in the elector’s Language. Journal of University of Raparin, 7(2), 23–41. Retrieved from



Humanities & Social Sciences