The Effect of a Counseling Program of Developing Psychological Well-Being Among 6 Year Displaced Students who Lives at the Refugee Camps in Erbil


  • Amina Najeem Mohammad Department Of Educational And Psychological Counseling, College Of Education, University of Salahaddin,Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.
  • Salma Hussein Kamil Department Of Psychological Counseling And Educational Guidance, College Of Basic Education, Diyala Of University, Diyala, Iraq.
  • Izaddin Ahmad Aziz Department Of Spcial Education, College Of Education, University of Salahaddin,Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.



Psychological Well-Being, Counseling Program, Displacement.


The initial studies indicate the role of psychological well-being in reducing the negative psychological impact among displaced children. Therefore، the current study aimed to design a counseling program to the develop the psychological well-being among displaced children who lives in the refugee camps in Erbil. Also، the study aimed to identify the impact of the program that established to prompt well-being according to the gender variable. The current research is applied on the year 6 students they were selected from the primary schools at Bahrka camp in Erbil governorate from both gender Male-female for the academic year (2020-2021). The researches at the current study were followed procedures that are:

1- Establishing appropriate program psychological well-being through reviewing related articles and literature.

  1. For the face validity the items (psychological well-being) were presented to a group of experts in education and psychology.
  2. The initial sample size was study (59) male and female students were randomly selected.
  3. The stability of the scale was extracted by the re-test method، as it reached (0.80) in the psychological quality scale.

The pre- and post-experimental approach was followed to measure the effect of the counseling program، and after the two groups were equal، the pre-test was applied to both the experimental and control samples. The research found that there were statistically significant differences between the members of the experimental group in the pre and post tests on the psychological well-being scale in favor of the post news، and there were no statistically significant differences between the members of the control group in the pre and post tests on the psychological well-being scale، and also showed no differences Statistically significant among the members of the experimental group themselves according to the variable of sex، and among the members of the control group themselves according to the variable of sex in the pre and post tests on the psychological well-being scale.

In light of the research results a number of conclusions were reached and a number of recommendations and suggestions were made.


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How to Cite

Mohammad, A. N. ., Kamil, S. H. ., & Aziz, I. A. . (2022). The Effect of a Counseling Program of Developing Psychological Well-Being Among 6 Year Displaced Students who Lives at the Refugee Camps in Erbil. Journal of University of Raparin, 9(3), 529–553.



Humanities & Social Sciences