Asociologiacl Perspetive to Culture
Community, Culture, Language.Abstract
At the beginning, culture means the way of life is the way of thinking and how to express the dislocation, emotions, and any community that does only every family It has its own culture to deal with the life parties, and a social reading for culture will be seen from this point of view Today's era of cultural development and cultural change through media channels and globalization campaigns will change very quickly in a way that is mixed It happens that there is a lot of problems between accepting and rejecting it, this was one of the reasons for the preparation of this subject because of its coming The large number of refugees from the middle and lower parts of Iraq, as well as western Kurdistan, have flowed into Kurdistan, causing cultural disintegration and cultural development, as each region has its own culture.
This research was a part of some basque syllables about the first weapon and the characteristics of cultural developments, the second subject of The Culture of Culture, the change, the delay and transfer of the culture of the third The work of the capital in the culture of the community, the fourth story of the speech of the language of the culture on a book of the fifth style of the coultoro against The first of these is the "Saeed Ibn Al-Saeedi" (the son of The Prophet) and the coultore mechanics of the world and the more intelligent knowledge.
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