Internal, Regional and International Distances of Adherence of Kurdish Regional to Arabic Iraqi


  • Pshko Hama Tahir AbdulRahman History Department, College of Humanities Science, Sulaimani University, Sulaimani, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.
  • Majid Khaleel Fattah History Department, College of Humanities Education, Sulaimani University, Sulaimani, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.



The consequences of WW1 ‎1914-1918 have repucations on south Kurdistan. Research question is the central question of the study that focus on what is impact on Kurdish society at that time.

The aims researh demonstrate unclear aspects on isolation of southern Kurdistan.

At That time the case in the framework of Mousl state between Britain and Iraqi state in one hand and Turkey in another hand is settled in benefit of the Iraq and Britain. This case is relevant with some internal and international motives. The internal ones: the case of Kurdish Nationalism, religions approach , the scattered speech of Kurdish and geographical situations while in terms of regional and international motives the secret agreement during war , oil and economy of Kurdistan ,the balancing of ethnic and religions of Iraq and the beneficiaries and capitalism of Europe has played a key role . This investigation has centered on the entire case and it’s potential of final decision of group of nations.


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How to Cite

AbdulRahman, P. H. T. ., & Fattah, M. K. . (2022). Internal, Regional and International Distances of Adherence of Kurdish Regional to Arabic Iraqi. Journal of University of Raparin, 9(2), 664–681.



Humanities & Social Sciences