Impact Of Social Media Advertising on The Profitability of SMEs In Sulaymaniyah City


  • Karwan Ali Qadir Department of Public Relations & Marketing, Technical College of Administration, Sulaimani Polytechnic University, Sulaimani, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.
  • Naji Afrasyaw Fatah Department of Public Relations & Marketing, Technical College of Administration, Sulaimani Polytechnic University, Sulaimani, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.



Smes, Social Media Advertising, Profitability, SCCI, And SULAYMANIYAH City


Nowadays, companies are allocating more budgets to be spent for marketing processes, so they can recognize their products and services by customers to reach the highest sales revenue. However, companies worldwide have taken advantage of social media platforms; in particular, SNS to promote and market their products. As such, the main purpose of this study is to assess and explore the influences of social media advertising on the profitability of Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Sulaymaniyah.

The study population considers the total SMEs registered in the Sulaymaniyah Chamber of Commerce & Industry - SCCI. However, the selected sample is a purposive sample, which includes those managers of companies who advertise intensively on social media platforms, which are considered by researchers as the best representative of the research population. 

Based on the findings of the regression and correlation analysis, it appears that; in general, social media has helped the improvement of the sales of goods and services of SMEs and therefore; led to an increase in the profit of SMEs in Sulaymaniyah. The results of this current study motivate the researchers to recommend SMEs in the SULAYMANIYAH that more promotional schemes should be launched and planned to promote e-marketing business by using social media advertising. 


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How to Cite

Ali Qadir, K., & Afrasyaw Fatah, . N. . (2023). Impact Of Social Media Advertising on The Profitability of SMEs In Sulaymaniyah City. Journal of University of Raparin, 10(4), 907–923.



Humanities & Social Sciences