The Role of Social Relationships in Feeling Happy Empirical Study in Erbil


  • Mahmood Kareem Saleem Bamandy Department of Sociology, College of Arts, Salahaddin University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Sabah Ahmad Mohammad Najar Department of Sociology, Colleghe of Arts, Salahaddin University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq



Role, Social relation, well – Being (Happiness).


The aim of this research is to knowledge levels of commitment to social relationships and feeling happy in the research sample and know the evidence between commitment to social relations and feeling happy according to research variables such as ( gender, age, occupation, economic status, marital status), with the nature of the relation ships between social relations and the feeling of happiness in order to reach the goal of the research, the researcher in a field collected in formation and used the descriptive approach in collecting information in a sample of 384 people in the center of Erbil governorate and randomly through multi-stage cluster samples and from this point of view two measures were used in addition to (gender, age, occupation, economic situation, social situation) are 32 questions and special paragraphs from the measure of social relations and 22 paragraphs for the measure of feeling happy, The research  reached the following results: There is a statistically significant variation of both social relations and the feeling of happiness according to variables (gender, age, marital status) but according to the variable of occupation there is a variation of the measure of social relations but the measure of feeling happy there is no variation, but according to the variable of (economic status) there is no statistically significant variation of social relations but for the measure of feeling happy there is a statistical variation, with a statistically significant relationship between the variables of social relations and feeling happy.


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How to Cite

Bamandy, M. K. S. ., & Najar, S. A. M. . (2023). The Role of Social Relationships in Feeling Happy Empirical Study in Erbil. Journal of University of Raparin, 10(3), 245–274.



Humanities & Social Sciences