The Criterion level of Readability in Teaching Tutorials: Twelfth Grade Economic Book as a Sample


  • Omar Mahmood Kareem Kurdish Department, Faculty of Education, Koya University, Koya, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.
  • Omer Ahmed Abdurrahman Kurdish Department-College of Education-Shaqlawa University of Salahaddin -Erbil, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.



Readability, Tutorial Text, Assessment, The Equation, And Comprehensive Assessment.


Psycholinguistics consider that a comprehension is a process of interaction among reader, text and the surrounding culture. In this process the reader creates meaning and the clarity of the text depends on the language as well as the types of the reader and the quality of the text. In teaching process, the reader is pupil and the text is the written forms in tutorial books. It is important to be known that the language should be clear. The decision about readability and unreadability of a tutorial text has its criterion. In this frame the text book of Economic in the twelfth grade is taken as a sample and assessed in the viewpoints of pupils in a comprehensive assessment process. One of the ways of assessment is to use a questionnaire method in which pupil’s comprehension is detected. This research puts a questionnaire about a written language in Economic twelfth grade book. The pupil’s comprehension is assessed through answering, as a result the readability of the text is determined. Thus It shows that the readability  of the text is in a lower level.


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How to Cite

Kareem, O. M. ., & Abdurrahman, O. A. (2023). The Criterion level of Readability in Teaching Tutorials: Twelfth Grade Economic Book as a Sample. Journal of University of Raparin, 10(2), 291–317.



Humanities & Social Sciences