Schools and educational centers for American Missionary and their effects on the educational situation in the Ottoman Kurdistan in the nineteenth century


  • Saman Hussien Ahmad Department of Social Sciences، College of Basic Education، University of Sulaimani, Sulaimani, Kurdistan Region,Iraq.

الكلمات المفتاحية:

School, American Missionary, Kurdistan, Education.


After American missionaries arrived to the regions of Ottoman Empire in the beginning of the 19th century and when they started their activities, the Kurds as one of the nations who were living within the Ottoman Empire, attracted the attention of missionaries. Therefore they opened their office in the Kurdish cities and started their activities. As it has been known that most of the activities of American missionaries were intellectual and educational activities, as a result they opened many schools, professional schools and even they established universities in some cities of Kurdistan, many girls and boys studied in these schools.
This study is about (American Missionaries’ educational centres in Kurdish cities in Ottoman Empire in 19th century). This study attempts to illustrate the impact of these schools that were established by American Missionaries and how they were operated. This paper is divided into three parts. First part is about the appearance of American missionaries’ activities in the region of Kurdistan. In this part we will try to briefly describe how they came to Kurdish regions and how they worked and what were their activities. The second part is about the American missionaries’ educational centres in Kurdistan. It endeavours to show the educational activities of American missionaries in Kurdistan regions, and then it will illustrate the importance of these educational centres in Kurdistan regions. The third part is about the effect of American missionaries’ educational centres on the situation of education in Kurdistan. It will evaluate the impact of these educational centres on the education in Kurdistan and on the situation of education in Kurdistan.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Ahmad, S. H. (2020). Schools and educational centers for American Missionary and their effects on the educational situation in the Ottoman Kurdistan in the nineteenth century. Journal of University of Raparin, 7(2), 262–287. استرجع في من



Humanities & Social Sciences