A Proposal System Design of Evaluating Employees Performance in Qaladze Bank, Kurdistan Region of Iraq


  • Muzhgan Ibrahim Hassan Department of Administration And Financial, Raparin Directorate of Investment, Board of Investment,Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.
  • Aso Kurdo Ahmed Department of Business Management, College of Business and Economic, Lebanese France University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.



الكلمات المفتاحية:

Performance Evaluation, Multi-Criteria Decision Making Models, Job Criteria, Decision Support System.


This study presents a new model for Evaluating employees’ performance  by considering their job criteria so that employees are evaluated not only on the basis of their individual criteria but also on the job criteria they are working on. This is the most important feature of this research compared to previous cases. Based on the presented model, the relevant criteria with discrete coefficients are determined for the two individual criteria and job criteria. Individual criteria were obtained through library studies and partial selection into three managerial, social, and technical groups. Occupational criteria were selected based on the results of one of the studies. To determine the coefficients of the principal and sub-individual criteria, the simple and fuzzy AHP method is used to determine occupational criteria, respectively, and the simple and fuzzy AHP paired scales To determine the coefficients of job criteria. Finally, each employee is given scores (maximum 5) on each of the occupational and individual criteria. Employee rankings are based on the coefficients of individual and occupational criteria as well as the points earned, using TOPSIS algorithm. The final score of each employee is calculated based on the average score of two points obtained by the TOPSIS method. All of the above steps are designed in the TOPSIS format of an Excel spreadsheet decision support system with VB programming language and at Qaladze Bank level, which consists of 75 employees and 10 departments. In order to execute the model more accurately, it is recommended that a person or group be consulted on all the jobs of the organization to comment on all the coefficients of the available jobs in the organization to make assertions about the business coefficients that underlie the proposed model. Also add a 360-degree evaluation method to measure people from different perspectives.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Hassan, M. I., & Ahmed, A. K. (2020). A Proposal System Design of Evaluating Employees Performance in Qaladze Bank, Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Journal of University of Raparin, 7(4), 470–486. https://doi.org/10.26750/Vol(7).No(4).Paper22



Humanities & Social Sciences