The Effects of Media Language Using of Comedian Program Audiences of Kurdish Televisions; BEZMÎ BEZM Program at KurdMax TV As A Case Study


  • Shwan Adam Aivas Media Technical Department, Sulaimani Technical Institute, Sulaimani Polytechnic University, Sulaimani, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.
  • Mahabad Kamel Abdulla Kurdish Department, Sharazoor Education College, University of Halabja, Halabja, Kurdistan Region,Iraq.


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Language, Media Language, Comedian Program, Kurdish Televisions, Professional Media Ethics and Bezmi Bezm Program.


This study is an attempt to evaluate the effects of media language misusing in comedian programs of Iraqi Kurdish televisions. To achieve this goal, the researchers have done an online survey with 145 TV viewers; as well as analyzing the thematic contents of 12 episodes of the BEZMÎ BEZM program on the KurdMax satellite channel.


Based on the research results; media language misusing in the BEZMÎ BEZM program has negative effects on viewers of this program, despite the fact that the majority of opinions agreed on the definition of this satellite as a Kurdish entertainment channel and the rates of views of its main programs "Great". However, they also agreed that this program on the KurdMax satellite channel has become a popular platform for insults, exchange of accusations, and defamation of certain personalities and groups in society, and a reason for sabotaging the Kurdish language and its methods, producing linguistic and psychological violence and highlighting gender discrimination. In addition to sabotaging the public taste of viewers, lack of respect for their needs, delinquency of adolescents, reducing the value of artistic work etiquette and educational foundations, and underestimating the family and Kurdish culture and its peculiarities. As for the topics presented in this program, the main goal is to make viewers laugh only and to achieve this; they do not hesitate to spread market language and archaic and patriarchal cultures, encourage gender differences of men and women, social and sexual taboos, defame personalities, neglect health guidelines, and violate professional media ethics. All of the above; represents the main identity of the BEZMÎ BEZM program on the KurdMax satellite channel. As a final point, this research has recommended the relevant people and bodies to subordinate such programs in order to review its content based on legal and ethical media standards, laws, and rules of the Kurdish language, along with abiding professional art principles.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Aivas, S. A., & Abdulla, M. K. (2021). The Effects of Media Language Using of Comedian Program Audiences of Kurdish Televisions; BEZMÎ BEZM Program at KurdMax TV As A Case Study. Journal of University of Raparin, 8(1), 144–186.



Humanities & Social Sciences