Independent Personality and its Relationship to the Hiding Feelings Among University Students in Erbil Province


  • Halat Abdalwahid Ahmed Department of kindergarten,College of Basic education،Raparin ,Raparin University – Raniya ، Kurdistan Region، Iraq.
  • Yousif Hama Salih Department of Psychology, College of Arts, Salahaddin University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Independent Personality, Hide Feelings, Youths.


Background: Independent personality, is a basic feature of the personality of the normal individual and it positively affects the life of the individual and society, while hiding feelings negatively affects the life of the individual and society.


Methods: The researchers used the descriptive curriculum، and the sample is of university youths, and the number of the students is (400) students، and adopted the scale (Molly،2013) to measure the personality of independence، consisted of (35) items and three (options) to answer, and a measure was prepared to measure the hiding feelings, and was formed in its final form after completing the conditions of validity and reliability of (25) items and four options to the answers and then analyzed the data by using the statistical program (SPSS).


Results: the independent personality and hidden feelings among university students are at a high level، and there is no significant relationship between independent personality and hidden feelings.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Ahmed, H. A., & Salih, Y. H. (2021). Independent Personality and its Relationship to the Hiding Feelings Among University Students in Erbil Province. Journal of University of Raparin, 8(1), 266–289.



Humanities & Social Sciences