Topography and Geomorphological units impact on the Saidsadiq town expansion ,by Using Geographical information System


  • Omed Hamabaqi Hama ameen Geography Department, College of Humanities science Education , University of Sulaimani , Sulaimani, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.
  • Kawa Jabar Rahman Geography Department, College of Art, University of Salahadin - Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.

الكلمات المفتاحية:

Expansion، City، Geomorphological unit


The main goal of this investigation is to indicate the influnce of Topographic and Geomorphogical Unit on expansion of Saidsadiq town from (1965 to 2019 ) , and analyse the influnce of the slope and landform upon the directive expansion of the town , with signifying the factors of expansion the town towards the directions dependens on the map of expension with satellite images which have been recieved from (NASA-G DEM VERSION) on (USGS) site with Digital Elevation Model (DEM) by resolution (30 m) on the reaserch area . finally the investigation concludes a set of conclusions and results including the land form limited and restricted the directions of expansions of the town and The City taken the shape of Star ,expandin most of the towns area on the sediment pedimont due to easiness of building houses and connection services upon it.        


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كيفية الاقتباس

Hama ameen, O. H., & Rahman, K. J. (2019). Topography and Geomorphological units impact on the Saidsadiq town expansion ,by Using Geographical information System. Journal of University of Raparin, 7(1), 438–460. استرجع في من



Humanities & Social Sciences