Water problems in Dukan Dam


  • Saman Yasin Awrahman Department of Geography, College of Human sciences, University of Raparin, Rania, kurdisatan Region, Iraq.
  • Hallat Rasheed Abdullah President of Charmo University, Chamchamall, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.



الكلمات المفتاحية:

Dam, Environment, Sewage, Black Spot.


Dukan Dam is located in the northeastern Kurdistan Region, 65 km northwest of the Sulaimani province center. It is divided into districts (Dukan, Pishdar, Ranya). In terms of Astronomical site, it is located between the two circles of latitude (36° 14' 00'') and (35° 57' 00'') north and the two longitudes (44° 04' 00'') and (44° 45' 00'') in the east.

 To the east is Mount Sara in the Charmawan mountain range, in the north, the Assos Mountain Range, and Mount Kosrat is located in the south.  Ranya city is located in the east. The towns of (Qaladze, Sangasar and Zharawa) are located in the eastern and northeastern parts of the lake. Its highest point is 516 meters above sea level.

The area of ​​the dam is (270km2). It is the largest dam in the Kurdistan Region in terms of area and volume. It has a capacity of 7 billion cubic meters of water, of which 0.7 billion cubic meters are dead.

The average rainfall was 594.6 mm. The average annual temperature is 21°C, and the yearly range is 34.7°C. Environmental pollution caused by humans on Dukan Dam is high, due to the mixing of sewage water from cities and towns that fall into the watershed of Dukan Dam as well as natural factors such as the rock composition of the area and floods. In this research, we emphasize the environmental issues of Dukan Dam, which are related to the natural and human problems that have been created for the dam or the dam has created for the place where it is built, in terms of water, floods, evaporation and other types of climate components, such as water, organisms, floods, evaporation and other types of weather, in terms of quantity and quality, water pollution is obvious in the dam and has damaged water and fish resources.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Awrahman, S. Y. ., & Abdullah, H. R. . (2023). Water problems in Dukan Dam . Journal of University of Raparin, 10(1), 688–718. https://doi.org/10.26750/Vol(10).No(1).Paper30



Humanities & Social Sciences