The Effect of the Social Responsibility Theory in forming Public Interest Journalism


  • Arshad Khaleel Asaad Department of Media, College of Arts, Salahaddin University-Erbil, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.
  • Nazakat Hussein Hama Saeed Department of Media, College of Humanities, Sulaimani University, Sulaimani, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.
  • Araz Ramazan Ahmad Department of Administration, College of Humanities, Raparin University, Rania, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Public Interest Journalism, Social Responsibility Theory, forming, Ethics, Professional Journalists.


This research focuses on the theory of social responsibility in forming public interest journalism which is currently considered to be a new and effective form of journalism, it has a predominant impact on public interest, common welfare, and serving humanity. This research is a scientific endeavor to understand the social responsibility theory of the media, and to what extent media organizations adhere to this responsibility, to create public interest journalism.

The research highlights the important aspects of public interest journalism, including social responsibility, ethics, and professionalism, in addition to the role of investigative journalism in forming public interest journalism.

The research aims to show the level of reliance on social responsibility, its relation, and its influence in forming public interest journalism. It identifies to what extent adherence to social responsibility, and its association, contributes to raising and instructing professional journalists to build public interest journalism. Moreover, illustrates to what degree social responsibility results in complying with the principles of work ethics in creating public interest journalism.

The results of this study have shown that the theory of social responsibility has a positive impact on Furthermore, the results indicate that theory of social responsibility is a theory of reform and gives journalists the ability to work in terms of professionalism and to follow the ethical principles of media work to serve the public interest. This theory is not opposed to the positive values of societies, the values the media promulgates for is for bringing the world's nations closer, or the values that demand independence and an end to war (Cold War). This theory believes in the independence of rights and duties of the society and according to, the principles of this theory society should feel this freedom. This means that media institutions should be professional, and ethical, and show legal responsibility towards society.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Asaad, A. K. ., Hama Saeed, N. H. ., & Ahmad, A. R. . (2023). The Effect of the Social Responsibility Theory in forming Public Interest Journalism . Journal of University of Raparin, 10(1), 465–486.



Humanities & Social Sciences