The Theology of Optimism in Leibniz's philosophical 'Theodasis'


  • Nawzad Jamal Hamafaraj Division of Strategic Studies, Department of Human Science, Kurdistan Institute for Strategic Studies and Scientefic Research, Sulaimani, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Optimism, Theoday, Leibniz, Evil, Consistency.


Leibniz is considered one of the pioneers of rational philosophy and one of the mathematicians of his time، Therefore, we find in his texts rational solutions and alternatives in a mathematical way to philosophical and theological problems and dilemmas such as the 'problem of evil' and cosmic harmony, and the 'principle of sufficient cause' and the compatibility between the perfection of God as the source of good and the existence of evil in the universe، Also, he tries to prove the existence of God with rational evidence، And he wants to reconcile religious sects، But this discription of him, gives a stereotypical picture of Leibniz and his philosophy، And does not cover the other side in it: facing the existential anxiety of man because of the existence of evil in the universe through optimism, and that the world is the best possible world، From here, it turns out that his optimistic view presents a comprehensive picture of the universe, and proves the existence of good and not just evil in the world، The basis of human optimism, lack of despair, and anxiety about the fate of man in the emergence of evil, is belief in the power of omnipotence and wisdom، He also tried to establish the pillars of his philosophy on hope and optimism, and on the principle of harmony and logical compatibility between the contradictions in the universe/world، All this indicates the truth; That Leibniz is not only religious and theologian in the prevailing sense, but he tried to solve a fundamental and existential problem of the human being، And that the significance of being in a world full of immoral things can be balanced، Therefore, solving the problem of evil and tragedies with an equivalent of optimism as a basis for human existence، Because he believed in the ability of the mind to reach the truth، On the other hand, things and events can be seen as an equation to maintain balance and cosmic harmony.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Hamafaraj, N. J. . (2023). The Theology of Optimism in Leibniz’s philosophical ’Theodasis’. Journal of University of Raparin, 10(1), 59–75.



Humanities & Social Sciences