The Impact of Graphic Design on Media Outlet Messages to Audiences in the Kurdistan Region - NRT as a Case


  • Bryar Jalal Maeroof Department of Media Technique, Technical College of Administration, Sulaimani Polytechnic University, Sulaimani, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.
  • Hakim Osman Hamid Department of Media Technique, Technical College of Administration, Sulaimani Polytechnic University, Sulaimani, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Graphic Design, Media Messages, Degital Media, The Public, Kurdistan Region.


       The content of this research is (the impact of graphic design on media outlet messages to the public in Kurdistan Region - NRT as an example).it is practical research that has taken the university lectures of media department, journalists, and graphic designers as Kurdistan Region, this study as big imports for Kurdistan Region, the importance is interpreted in terms of technological development of the era. In kurdistan region, the media agencies have exerted all their efforts to imply the powerful influence on their viewers, listners and readers. Using the varieties of graphic design, the media agencies have tried to have effects on their viewers in terms of meeting the political, economic and social goals.........etc and get benefit from graphic design as a current science development. Media outlets, following significant developments, contribute significantly to the social and political life of communities and have a significant impact on public opinion and political decision-making. If conflicts have already been conducted via military and direct confrontations, these conflicts now are resolved more in the media and through writings, the graphic design is one of the arts types that can be used today to get conflicts to the resolution point. the impact of graphic design on media outlet messages to the public in Kurdistan Region. So, the researcher is in the context of descriptive research by applying the survey tools. At the same time, in the theory, the researcher has relied on the theory of referring to media tools for the public, which is one of the prominent theories in the field of media and special to creating impacts on the audience as one of the ethnic ity of the relationship. That's why, the researcher received the selected the sample for 179 persons including the lecturers of Kurdistan Region universities, journalists, and graphic designers on purpose. For which, the researcher has certainly used the survey analysis form to achieve the research goal.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Maeroof, B. J. ., & Hamid, H. O. . (2022). The Impact of Graphic Design on Media Outlet Messages to Audiences in the Kurdistan Region - NRT as a Case . Journal of University of Raparin, 9(5), 641–666.



Humanities & Social Sciences