Sadism and Masochism, and Their Reflections in Muhammad Mukri's Dragon Novel’’


  • Sarkawt Omer Ibrahim Kurdish Department, College of Education, University of Raparin, Rania, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Sadism, Masochism, Novel, Character, Sexual Deviation.


This research is entitled "Sadism and Masochism, and Their Reflections in Muhammad Mukri's Dragon Novel’’ From this point of view, a novel in general was considered to be a literary genre, which has become a field of expression in many subjects of life. One of these fields, which is reflected in the novel is psychological diseases. In addition to this, stimuli and many other aspects psychological aspects of the characters can be seen in novel. It is important to bear in mind that Muhammad Mukri's Dragon Novel is considered to be a part of the world novels that shed light Kurdish heritage and myths including Anfal and the life of Kurdish refugees as well as the myth and reality in his novel. Besides, he talks about the psychological aspects of mythical and realistic characters in the middle of narrating. Therefore, one of the most courageous subjects in which he has given a wide range of narratives of sexual situations and deviations including the concepts of sadism and masculinity that are reflected mainly in the characters of his novel in terms of the structure and psychology. However, these deviations and sexually transmitted diseases involved in class issues and national differences that constantly have been discussed in the past and now. Based on what has been discussed above, this research is a scientific attempt that has been made to reflect these concepts and the purposes of these characters so that it can be analyzed in terms of their complexity and structure. Moreover, in the first part of the research, such concepts as sadism and masochism as well as their subtypes have been discussed. In the second part, three other different sections about the characters have been introduced respectively. Thus, the third part of the research investigates the concept of unpleasant deviation and its reflections on some of the characters.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Ibrahim, S. O. . (2022). Sadism and Masochism, and Their Reflections in Muhammad Mukri’s Dragon Novel’’. Journal of University of Raparin, 9(5), 554–574.



Humanities & Social Sciences