The Reality of School Theater Activities in Basic Education Schools in The City of Erbil and Ways to Develop it From The Viewpoint of Teachers and Specialized Supervisors


  • Ahmed Abubakr Mustafa Art Education Department, College of Basic Education, University of Sulaimani, Sulaimani, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.
  • Jawad Nimat Hussein Art Education Department, College of Basic Education, University of Sulaimani, Sulaimani, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Activity, Theatre, Basic School, Look, Supervisors.


The aim of the research is to reveal the reality of school theater activities in basic education schools in the city of Erbil and ways to develop it from the point of view of art education teachers, and specialized supervisors. The descriptive-analytical approach was followed as a research methodology according to the nature of its subject and objectives. The research community consisted of (370) teacher of the art education, and (16) specialized supervisors in the city center of Erbil, and the research sample included (74) teacher of the art education and (9) supervisors, who were deliberately chosen from the research community according to their field of specialization. The research tool consisted of two questionnaires, one of which was open to reveal the reality of the school theater activities, and the other was closed. It included (27) items as a problems and (36) items as a suggestions for developing activities. Its apparent validity and reliability were extracted by re-application, and after applying the two questionnaires in their final form at the original research sample. The data were statistically processed using the weighted mean equation and the percentile weight, and from most prominent results of the research as a problems are the following:

1- Looking at the subject of art education and its theatrical activities at a lower level compared to the rest of the study subjects prescribed by the rest of the teaching staff in basic education schools, as well as the students’ families and society in general.

2- Weak interest in art education and school theater activities from the responsible and relevant authorities in the Ministry of Education and the General Directorate of Education in Erbil Governorate.

3- Weak interest in School Theater activities by the administrations in basic education schools in Erbil city.

Among the most prominent suggestions to development the theatrical activities at schools are the following:

A- Establishing or providing suitable halls for artistic activities, including school theater activities and their requirements in basic education schools in the city of Erbil.

B- Allocating appropriate and sufficient lessons for the art of School Theater and its activities within the lessonss of art education subject prescribed in basic education schools.

The research ended with a set of conclusions, recommendations and suggestions as a titles of other researchs.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Mustafa, A. A. ., & Hussein, J. N. . (2022). The Reality of School Theater Activities in Basic Education Schools in The City of Erbil and Ways to Develop it From The Viewpoint of Teachers and Specialized Supervisors. Journal of University of Raparin, 9(5), 1–31.



Humanities & Social Sciences