The Role of Non-Constituents in The Sentence Structures in Kurdish and Persian Languages


  • Hamza Hussein Hama Kurdish Department, College of Education, University of Raparin, Rania, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.
  • Rabar Kakarsh Mina Kurdish Department, College of Education, University of Raparin, Rania, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Kurdish Language, Persian Language, Sentence Structure, Non Constituents, Projection, Categories.


This study is a summary of analyzing and explaining 'sentence structure' in general and the role of non-constituents as non-constituents in the sentence structure in both Kurdish and Persian languages. The study consists of the following sections:

      Section one contains several subsections; in the first subsection, the concept of 'sentence' was discussed and a definition of 'sentence' was provided. In the second subsection, various types of sentence constituents were briefly introduced and presented. Then in the following subsection, types of constituent word order were explained. Following that, Syntactic lyres in terms of construction were explained in brief. Finally, in the last subsection of Section One, types of constituent word order were presented.

     In Section Two, 'sentence structure' in both Kurdish and Persian has been discussed, and the structures of both languages based on linguistic standards and theories have been shown. In another subsection, 'sentence structure' was discussed in detail from a syntactical point of view.

     In the third which is the last section of this study, 'sentence structures' were compared in both languages in detail, necessary examples from both languages were provided and analyzed, and the syntactic role of various constituents of 'sentence structures' in both languages was discussed. In the end, various roles of non-constituents were explained in detail and very specifically.

     Finally, conclusions were drawn and the references list was provided.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Hama, H. H. ., & Mina, R. K. . (2022). The Role of Non-Constituents in The Sentence Structures in Kurdish and Persian Languages. Journal of University of Raparin, 9(4), 816–834.



Humanities & Social Sciences