The Means of Preaching by The Prophet Moses-Peace be Upon him-in The Holy Quran

(Thought and Concepts)


  • Abdulrahman Mahammad Arif Department of Principles of Religion, College of Human Science, University of Halabja, Halabja, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.
  • Othman Mahmud Saidulla Department of Islamic Studies, College of Islamic Sciences, University of Sulaimani, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.


الكلمات المفتاحية:

The Means, Moses Call, Firaun, Diligence.


       The means of preaching by the prophet Moses -peace be upon him - in the Holy Quran (thought and concepts) is the title of the current research, which is extracted from my PhD dissertation written in Arabic and titles: “Understanding the purpose and the outcome from prophet Moses’ preaching perspective -pbuh- in the holy Quran, emancipation of human being as an example, an analytical study)”. In this extracted research paper, I want to shed light on the means the prophet Moses- peace be upon him- adopted in his preaching. To fulfill this goal, I have divided the research paper as follow; after the preface, I have written an introduction under the title “understanding the means” and “understanding the merge between linguistic and terminology”. Subsequently, the first chapter is introduced named inadequacy in “understanding and using the means” and ampleness in “goals and treatment”. The second chapter will focus on triangular understanding of the means and some other understandings. Chapter three attempts to deal with a core question: Have the prophets – peace be upon them- used illegitimate (illegal) means in their preaching? an apparently difficult question with a simplified answer. Chapter four is allocated for talking about public call for the right path as well as the means (tools) and their usefulness. Finally, in chapter five, I will try to discuss the means utilized by prophet Moses – peace be upon him – in his preaching as referred to in the holy Quran. The method adopted to conduct the current study is inductive, analytical and imaginary for the whole of My PhD. thesis and this research also.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Arif , A. M. ., & Saidulla, O. M. . (2022). The Means of Preaching by The Prophet Moses-Peace be Upon him-in The Holy Quran: (Thought and Concepts). Journal of University of Raparin, 9(4), 735–758.



Humanities & Social Sciences