The Analysis of Elections’ Result in the Both of Round in the Parliament (2013- 2018) of Kurdistan’s Region and the Changes in the form of Elections’ Result in the Both of Round
DOI:الكلمات المفتاحية:
Election, Vote, Voter, Elector.الملخص
The election is one of the important subject in the political of politics in general and in the geography of election in specific because there is two ways to receive the authority into philosophy of authority, one of them in the way of violence through attacker that it is cause to a terrible situation in the political, social and economy And another way is that the community is agree on the democracy and make a change in the authority, in a peace way and away from violence through election . In this research we analyze the geography to the result of elections in the round of fourth and fifth of Kurdistan’s parliament and make a distinguished in the result of both of round and we analyze those changes that happened and we will evaluate them. The investigation consist of three parts, the first part is the analysis of geography to the election of fourth round of Kurdistan’s parliament ,itself consist of three subject. The first subject is the list of competition of works to general chair and second is the list of competition to final chair The second part is the analysis of geography to elections’ result of fifth round of Kurdistan’s parliament of (2018) The first subject is the list of agents to general chair and second subject is the list competitions to final chairs , third part is the changes from the form of results in both round of elections (2013-2018) in the parliament of Kurdistan ‘s region.
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كيفية الاقتباس
الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2022 Journal of University of Raparin
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