Deletion and Change of Sounds of the Loanwords into the Kurdish Language

(It is a statistical analytic study)


  • Sherwan Husen Hamad Kurdish Department, College of Basic Education, University of Raparin, Rania, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.
  • Shokhan Qadir Hasan Kurdish Department, College of Basic Education, University of Raparin, Rania, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Deletion of Sounds, Change of Sounds, Loanwords and Phonological Rules.


    This study is entitled “Deletion and Change of Sounds of the Loanwords into the Kurdish Language”, which is a statistical analytic study. Study instruments have been allocated for the words borrowed from the English language and entered the Kurdish language. The study comes within the field of the phonology and has been worked on according to the descriptive analytic manner. The study intends to respond to the question to which extend phenomenon of deletion and changing sounds happen to the borrowed words that entered the Kurdish language. For this purpose, in addition to an introduction, a conclusion and the list of the sources, this study has been divided into two parts. In the first part, definition of the phonological rules, each one of deletion and changing of the sounds, loanwords and change of the sounds have been discussed. In the second part, an analysis and statistics have been presented about the words, borrowed from the English language and entered the Kurdish language, which face deletion and change of their sounds.


خۆشناو، شێروان حسێن (٢٠١٦)، توانای مۆڕفێمی بەند لە دەڵەمەندکردنی فەرهەنگ و ڕاپەڕاندنی ئەرکی سینتاکسیدا، دەزگای چاپ و پەخشی نارین، چاپی یەکەم-هەولێر.

سدیق، فاروق عومەر (٢٠٢٠)، قەرزی وشە، چاپخانەی چوارچرا، چاپی یەکەم.

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محەمەد، بارزان کانەبی تاهیر (٢٠٢٠)، ڕۆڵی زمانی ڕۆژنامەنوسی لە پەرەپێدانی وشەی نوێباودا، گۆڤاری ئەکادیمیای کوردی، ژمارە ٤٦-هەولیر.

محمد، هیدایت عبداللە (٢٠٠٧)، وشەو زاراوەی خوازراو سەپێنراو لە زمانی کوردیدا، گۆڤاری زانکۆی سلێمانی.

مجید، سالار فائیق (٢٠١٩)، وشە ئینگلیزییە بەکارهاتوەکان لە زمانی کوردیدا، زانکۆی گەرمیان.

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كيفية الاقتباس

Hamad, S. H. ., & Hasan, S. Q. . (2022). Deletion and Change of Sounds of the Loanwords into the Kurdish Language : (It is a statistical analytic study). Journal of University of Raparin, 9(4), 60–78.



Humanities & Social Sciences