Presupposition According to Yule’s Perspective in Short Story


  • Khasro Ahmed Rasul Ronaki Evening High School, Directorate of Education for Shaqlawa, Genral Directorate of Education for Erbil, Ministry of Education, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Existential, Short Story, Factive, Lexical, Presupposition, Structural.


The Study is devoted to presupposition in short story. Based on Yule’s view the types of presupposition have been presented. In the study, the story of (Throne and Crown of Kwekha Homer-Taji Takhti kwekha Homar) has been chosen as a sample so as to investigate the types of presupposition according to Yule’s perspective, then, the percentage of pragmatic presupposition in the story are specified. Apart from the introduction, conclusion, appendix, and list of references, the study comprises of sections. First section deals with defining concepts, and types of presupposition whereas section two includes two parts. The first part focuses on the stylistics and the language of short story. Part two of section two is a practical section specifies the percentage of pragmatic presuppositions.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Rasul, K. A. . (2022). Presupposition According to Yule’s Perspective in Short Story. Journal of University of Raparin, 9(3), 502–528.



Humanities & Social Sciences