The Role of Human Resource Practices in Managing COIVD-19 Crisis in the Kurdish Media Organizations


  • Abdulsamad Qadir Hussien Public Relations and Marketing Department, Sulaimani Polytechnic University, Sulaimani, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.
  • Talar Jalal Karim Public Relations and Marketing Department, Sulaimani Polytechnic University, Sulaimani, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Human Resources Management (HRM), Crisis Management, Kurdish Media Organizations, COVID-19.


This paper examines the role of human resource practices in managing crises specifically during COVID-19 pandemic in Kurdish media organisations. This article explains the barriers faced HR practiser’s during the pandemic in manging their employees and focusing on achieving organizational goals. In addition, it attempts to articulate how the pandemic has created a complex and challenging environment for human resource management (HRM) practitioners, who need to find ingenious solutions to ensure the continuity of their corporates and to help their employees to cope with this extraordinary crisis. The research, mainly focused on the quantitative research method (survey research). A survey technique through an online questionnaire using 'Google Forms' (N= 50) has been adopted with responses from two Kurdish media Organizations namely (Galy Kurdistan TV and Kurdsat TV) in Sulaimanya City. Through applying statistical method (SPSS 21) data has been analaysed. Results indicate that adaptability and creativity in practicing HR functions such as (downsize their workforce, remote working, effective training programmes and flexible working hours) can help Kurdish media organizations manage organizational crises which appeared due to COVID-19 pandemic and also assist their sustainability, competitive advantage and performance.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Hussien , A. Q. ., & Karim , T. J. . (2022). The Role of Human Resource Practices in Managing COIVD-19 Crisis in the Kurdish Media Organizations. Journal of University of Raparin, 9(2), 497–513.



Humanities & Social Sciences