The Social Behaviors and Values in the Poetic of (Qani' and his Heart)


  • Aram Mohammad Qadir Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Human Socialization, Social balance, Human Simplicity, National Feeling, Poetic Thought, Dismemberment, Justice, and Humanization.


     The title of this research is ‘the social behaviors and values in the poetic texts of (Qani and his heart)’. The poetic text has become the scope of this investigation; some social behaviors and values have been taken from the content of the text and compared to the sociologists’ views and religious texts.

     The content of this study works on the highlighting of social behaviors and values and consists of two chapters: the first chapter includes a summary about Qani and his poems; it covers the biography of the poet and detailed explanation of his poems. The second chapter includes some topics under the title of social behaviors and values in the poems of Qani and his heart which are (human socialization, national feeling, the spirit of cooperation among the individuals of society, the behavior of responsibility, social balance, human simplicity, selfishness, and the philosophy of tools and objectives) are discussed and investigated. And finally we have come to the conclusion that Kurdish culture and literature are full of beauty, and can be studied in many different aspects. All the benefited and used references are available.


قورئانی پیرۆز

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كيفية الاقتباس

Qadir, A. M. . (2022). The Social Behaviors and Values in the Poetic of (Qani’ and his Heart). Journal of University of Raparin, 9(2), 1–30.



Humanities & Social Sciences