Psychological Hardiness and its Relationship with the Superstition Thinking in SalahaddinUniversity Students


  • Nawzad Ali Awrahman Department of Psycchology, college of Art, Salahaddin University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.
  • Yousef Hama Salih Mustafa Department of Psycchology, college of Art, Salahaddin University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Psychological Hardness, Individual، Commitment, Control, Challenge, Superstitious Thinking, Mental.


The problem of the research، when the level of (Hardiness) is High، the individual enjoys good mental and somatic health، but، when the level of Hardiness is less، it may lead to a lack of logical analysis or challenge and control positions، a decrease in its commitment to its values، principles، the individual's sense of psychological helplessness، alienation، and the individuals perception will not be as clear as it is in reality. University students during the progress of this study are exposed to all sorts of pressures and obstacles. Too little of Hardiness leady to suffering ill health physically and mental، wthe a negative impact on effectiveness، efficiency and success in academic study.


       The importance of the current research in the study has shown that the relationship between Hardiness and superstition thinking by many variables، including the (psychological pressure، self-esteem، social support، in the field of special forces on the battlefield military forces، in the field of sports، self-confidence، motivated by achievement، effective self، sex، self-concept and the control center). The aim of this study is to identify the psychological Hardiness and superstition thinking among the samples as a whole and to recognize the significance of differences in terms of the central premise levels، as well as levels of Hardiness and superstition thinking among the samples to identify the implications of the differences by gender، study stage and specialization (Scientific or Humanitarian)، and the relationship between hardiness and superstition thinking among the samples as a whole by gender variables and study stage. The scale of superstitious thinking and psychological hardness was used on a sample of (240) male and female students، with (120) males and (120) females.

The results showed significant levels of high psychological hardness and a decrease in superstitious thinking among the research sample of university students.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Awrahman, N. A., & Salih Mustafa, Y. H. . (2021). Psychological Hardiness and its Relationship with the Superstition Thinking in SalahaddinUniversity Students. Journal of University of Raparin, 8(4), 48–78.



Humanities & Social Sciences