Constructing Theoretical Knowledge Scale of Handball for the Excellent Stage Handball's Player in Kurdistan Region-Iraq


  • گۆران معروف قادر Faculty of Physical Education, University of Koya, Koya, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.
  • Hawker Kakl Rashid Faculty of Physical Education, University of Koya, Koya, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Knowledge Scale, Handball, Measurement and Evaluation.


The research aim at the following:

constructing a Theoretical knowledge scale for excellent stage handball's player in Kurdistan-Iraq.

In order to do that the researcher used descriptive method with survey, the research's society are the excellent handball player in Kurdistan-Iraq season (2020-2021) composed of (197) player the researcher divided the sample into two sample called( construction, and applied) sample, the construction sample include (153) player on the other side the applied sample include (80) player, for collecting data the researcher used some ways like content analysis, survey form and personal interview the researcher followed all the academic steps and rules to build theoretical knowledge scale for handball's player in Kurdistan region of Iraq, which include (43) paragraphs(question). finally, for accessing the result for our research, we used different statistical method limited to(percentage, arithmetic mean,skew modulus, coefficient of ease and difficulty, discriminatory ability, chi square, and mode.

The researcher concluded that:

1- The theoretical knowledge scale for excellent handball stage player was constructed, and it obtain (43) paragraphs.

The researcher recommended that:

1- depend The theoretical knowledge scale that was applied on the research sample in an evaluation for Iraq handball players.

4- preparing a theoretical knowledge scale and apply it on another stage and levels.

5- preparing similar cognitive scales and apply it on other games.


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كيفية الاقتباس

معروف قادر گ., & Rashid, H. K. . (2022). Constructing Theoretical Knowledge Scale of Handball for the Excellent Stage Handball’s Player in Kurdistan Region-Iraq. Journal of University of Raparin, 9(4), 602–625.



Humanities & Social Sciences