Gemination In Kurdish Language

(A statistical analysis study)


  • Sherwan Hussen Hamed Kurdish Department, College of Basic Education, Raparin University, Rania, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.
  • Raz Aziz Ahmed Kurdish Department, College of Basic Education, Raparin University, Rania, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.



This study, entitled (Gemination In Kurdish Language(A Statical Analysis Study)), into the phenomenon of the formation of two similar consonants. It goes into the field of phonology and has utilized descriptive statistics. The study wants to answer the question of how and how many forms this phenomenon manifests itself in the Kurdish language. For this purpose, the study, besides introduction, results and bibliography, will be divided into two parts: In the first part, we introduce the phenomenon of germination and is types, and in the second part, we analyze and show the statistics of gemination in Kurdish.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Hamed, S. H., & Ahmed, R. A. (2022). Gemination In Kurdish Language: (A statistical analysis study). Journal of University of Raparin, 9(2), 342–370.



Humanities & Social Sciences