Investigation of the Hyponym and Meronym Relation Based on the Theory of Semantic Features


  • Muhamad Qadr Muhamad Amin Kurdish Department, College of Education, University of Raparin, Rania, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.
  • Sherwan Hussein Hamad Kurdish Department, College of Basic Education, University of Raparin, Rania, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.



Semantic is an important level of language, in this context, semantic relation within the framework of this level are the main and creators of this branch of language, each of Hyponym And Meronym, as two semantic relations, have taken on a significant role in the dictionary, each of those relations has been investigated  from different perspectives. The purpose of this research is to show and investigate those two relations based on feature theory, as an important theory of meaning analysis study, which means that these relations are analyzed through the features. The tittle of our research is (investigation of the hyponym and Meronym relation based on the theory of semantic features) which is goes to the field of symmetric.

The method of the research: the method of analysis description used for the research, for analyzing and investigating of the relations.

The method hypothesis: this research works on the base of hypothesis, that how and in which way we shows the hyponym and Meronym of a words feature.

The material and  example of this research: the Kurdish language of The dialect of  middle Karmanji is in the.

The content of the research: research, beside of the introduction, results and the list of resources, is consist of two parts: the first part: it contains, origin of semantic features and the theory in the analysis of meaning, as well as showing the basis and the form of features and the importance of the theory in analyzing of meanings.

Part Two: it is consist of each of the meaning relations of Hyponym and Meronym, as well as the type of each of these relations and analysis and investigation of each of them according to the theories of the semantic features. In the end of the research, the results and the list of resources and the summary of the research have been revealed.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Muhamad Amin, M. Q. ., & Hamad, S. H. . (2022). Investigation of the Hyponym and Meronym Relation Based on the Theory of Semantic Features. Journal of University of Raparin, 9(2), 58–81.



Humanities & Social Sciences