The Role of Facebook in Covering Corruption in Kurdistan Region


  • Karzan Mohammed Ahmed Media Technique Department,Technical College of Administration, Sulaimani Polytechnic University, Sulaimani, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.



This research (the role of facebook in covering corruption in Kurdistan region) is one of the hotly debated topics in media which is directly related to the society and the adminstration system in Kurdistan Region. 

The significance of the research entails the analysis of views of facebook users about an iminent issue which is corrouption and its ramifications. 

The goal of the research is to define the concept of corruption and its types, levels and styles. Morover, the research attempts to find solutions for this serious phenomenon. Any step taken to combat corruption is considered as a service to the development of the society of Kurdistan Region. The research is descriptive. Questionaires and surveys are used to collect the views of facebook users. A bunch of results and recommendations are presented to combat corruption.

The most important goals are:  the impact of facebook in exposing corruption cases, investigation and presenting data and information, educating the public and creating pressure to punish the corrupted individuals in Kurditan Region. 

The most important recommendations: Drafting a strategy for the purpose of educating the public in order to adher to the anti- corruption rules. Establishing a council to overlook the media in order to garantee the freedom of expression and more transparency.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Ahmed, K. M. (2021). The Role of Facebook in Covering Corruption in Kurdistan Region. Journal of University of Raparin, 8(4), 635–660.



Humanities & Social Sciences