Geographical Analysis of Entertainment Services in the City of Daratu Using Geographical Information Systems (GIS)


  • Hoshmand Jawhar Abbas Department of Social Sciences, College of Basic Education, Salahaddin University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.
  • Sanger Ahmed Hussein Department of Social Sciences, College of College of Basic Education, Salahaddin University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.
  • Fatimah Qader Mustafa Department of Geography, College of Humanities, Raparin University, Rania, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Recreational Services, Leisure Time, Physical Comfort, Distribution Center, Recreational Services Distribution Standards.


 The impact of the recreational services that exist within the group of services that are practiced within the geographical framework of the city, is not limited to the lives of its residents and their activities, but also on the residents of the surrounding areas. Recreational services contribute to providing diversified investment opportunities for leisure time, so that they are appropriate and beneficial to the health, comfort and well-being of the population at the lowest possible cost, without the goal of their establishment being financial gain, as they lead to the creation of mental, psychological and physical balance on the level of one individual and on the basis of society in a way. In general, recreational services are an integral part of urban activities in most cities of the world. Rather, the concept of modernity and urbanization in contemporary urban centers is measured to some extent by the availability of recreational facilities for their inhabitants, and the study also showed the low level of efficiency of recreational services in terms of their spatial distribution and numbers. As it is concentrated in some neighborhoods of the city, while it is less or absent in other neighborhoods, as well as not taking into account the planning standards in its distribution and during its construction in line with the population increase, urban expansion and the residents' needs for these services. The success in providing these different types of recreational facilities depends on how they are distributed geographically. The balanced distribution of these activities determines the success of the adopted plans in achieving the required goals and policies.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Abbas, H. J. ., Hussein , S. A. ., & Mustafa, F. Q. (2021). Geographical Analysis of Entertainment Services in the City of Daratu Using Geographical Information Systems (GIS). Journal of University of Raparin, 8(3), 618–644.



Humanities & Social Sciences