Coronavirus from Slavoj Žižek's perspective: From Capitalism to Communism


  • Muslim Hasan Mohammed Philosophy Department, College of Human Sciences, Raparin University, Ranya, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.
  • Nawdar Zeyad Ridha Philosophy Department, College of Human Sciences, Raparin University, Ranya, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Slavoj Zizek, Coronavirus, Capitalism, Catastrophe, NeoLiberalism, Communism.


The world system has followed capitalism. According to Slavoj Žižek, capitalism is facing many crises. One of the crises created by this system is the coronavirus pandemic. Since capitalism thinks only in terms of profit and the market, it cannot overcome this pandemic with its own rules. Moreover, the main culprit is the political model of capitalism, neoliberalism, as it becomes increasingly barbaric through privatisation, corporations, media and social media. Meanwhile, the coronavirus has instilled fear in people's hearts and expanded the power of the state over citizens. Žižek argues that all these help to sprout socialism and pave the way for a new form of communism. This stems from the fact that capitalist mechanisms and tools cannot prevent a crisis such as the coronavirus. Instead, states, organisations and individuals must resort to communism. This communism embodies more cooperation and coordination, because in times of crisis, neither the state alone and without the cooperation of members of society can overcome the crisis, nor can any state face the crisis alone. However, it is important for the state to avoid implementing a particular ideology, as ideology can lead to totalitarianism and restriction of freedoms. In return, Žižek says that if countries move beyond the nation-state stage and move towards a post-nation state by implementing a new form of communism, our liberation, survival and defence will grow and become stronger. Žižek is also interested in the concept of catastrophe and believes that catastrophe helps to rebuild and revive. Although the coronavirus has caused catastrophe, it carries the seeds of revival.


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Sharpe, Matthew and Boucher, Geoff, 2010, Zezik and Politics; A Critical Introduction, Edinburgh University Press Ltd, Edinburgh.

Unwin, Stephen, 2005, A Guide to The Plays of Bertolt Brecht, Bloomsbury Publishing PIc, London and NewYork.

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حەمە، ئازاد، ٢٠٢١، فەلسەفاندنى پەتا ـ فەیلەسوفان و کۆڤید ١٩، دەزگاى ڕۆشنبیرى جەمال عیرفان، چاپخانەى تاران، ئێران.

تەیفورى، مەنسور، بەبێ ساڵى چاپ، دۆخى ئاوارتەى ڕاستەقینە، کۆمەڵە وتار، ناوەخت: بیرکردنەوە لە سەردەمى کۆرۆنادا، ناوەندى غەزەلنوس بۆ چاپ و بڵاوکردنەوە، سلێمانى/هەرێمى کوردستان/عێراق.

عومەر، وەلید، کۆرۆنا و ساتەوەختە زاتییەکان، ئامادەکردنى: داستان بەرزان، کۆڤید ١٩، دەزگاى میدیایى ژیان، چاپخانەى یاد، سلێمانى/هەرێمى کوردستان/عێراق.

گۆڤارى فۆکەس، ژمارە ١٠، ساڵى چوارەم، فایلى ٤ و فایلى ٥، دەزگاى ئایدیا بۆ فکر و بڵاوکردنەوە، سلێمانى/هەرێمى کوردستان/عێراق.

مایەرز، تۆنى، ٢٠١٤، فەلسەفەى سلاڤۆى ژیژەک، و: وەلید عومەر، دەزگاى چاپ و پەخشى سەردەم، سلێمانى/هەرێمى کوردستان/عێراق.

الناسك، الحاج محمد، آب ٢٠٢٠، جائحة كوفيد- ١٩ ترج العالم، مجلة الباب للدراسات الاستراتیجیة والإعلامیة، العدد ٧، مرکز الجزیرة للدراسات، الدوحة/قطر.

ديهنافي، فاطمة نوري، أبريل ٢٠٢٠، ملاحظات مختصرة حول تصور «جيجك» من فيروس كورونا (Covid-19)، ترجمة: حنان برقرق، مؤسسة مؤمنون بلا حدود للدراسات والأبحاث، المملکة المغربیة.



كيفية الاقتباس

Hasan Mohammed, M., & Zeyad Ridha, N. (2023). Coronavirus from Slavoj Žižek’s perspective: From Capitalism to Communism. Journal of University of Raparin, 10(4), 492–514.



Humanities & Social Sciences