The level of productive mind habits among managements of basic Education schools


  • Nawzad Ali Awrahman Directorate of Education in (BOTE) Basic School in the Ministry of Educatio, Raprin General Directorate, Directorate of Education, Rania, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Habits of The Productive Mind, Problem-Solving, Creativity, Self-Regulation


Research problem: The researcher confirmed that people who do not have the habits of the productive mind (Produed Habits of Mind) enough in terms of content، they are incapable of the necessary and logical measures to address the obstacles and problems in human life، and he is unable to adopt good planning for crisis management and do what it is enough to follow all material and human means to end these crises. School principals، Summary of the during their administrative career، may be exposed to various types of environmental and personal pressures and obstacles. On the psychological level، their lack of control over administrative and educational matters and their tendency to negative thinking may lead to psychological or academic problems، which may negatively affect their effectiveness and administrative efficiency and solution. Administrative problems.

The importance of the subject of our research stands behind how the mechanism and quality of human thinking work towards finding the manufacture of constructive and productive ideas to address and challenge the problems that people face through moving forward; because productive thinking has a relationship with rational thinking that qualifies its owner to develop plans and draw the coordinates of his life’s work And how to explore loopholes to reach its goals.

The aim of the current research is to identify the levels of habits of the productive mind of school principals، and are there statistically significant differences in the habits of the productive mind according to the variables (gender، years of functional service، work location ). The Productive Mind Habits scale was used on a sample of (55)، with (51) males and (4) females.

The results showed statistically significant levels، the sample was generally at a high level of productive thinking. There was no statistically significant difference in the productive thinking according to (gender، years of functional service، and work location); However، there are statistically non-significant differences in the productive thinking according to (gender، years of functional service، and work location) in favor of (males، years of service from 21-40، outside the district center).


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كيفية الاقتباس

Awrahman, N. A. . (2023). The level of productive mind habits among managements of basic Education schools. Journal of University of Raparin, 10(3), 922–940.



Humanities & Social Sciences