Echinococcosis in Kurdistan Iraq: Prevalence of Cystic Hydatidosis in Man with a Survey of E.granulosus eggs in Stray Dogs in Kalar City, Sulaymania Province, Kurdistan- Iraq.


  • Arkan barzanji Department of Biology, College of Education, Salahaddin University –Erbil, Kurdistan Iraq
  • Louis Saida


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Echinococcosis in Kurdistan Iraq: cystic hydatidosis, stray dogs, Kalar City, sulaimania province


The current study included two levels: - cystic echinococcosis in man and a survey of eggs of the parasites E. granulosus in feces of stray dogs in Kalar city sulaymania province. The statically analysis of private and governmental hospitals documents showed 56 cases of cystic echinococcosis have been treated surgically during five years’ period (2013-2017). The patients who included in this study were examined by physicians and confirmed by one or more of the following methods, imaging diagnosis (CT scan, Ultrasound, and X ray), histopathology and serology. Among total of 3330 patients admitted to the surgery department of these hospitals, 56 (1, 6%) were found to be infected with cystic hydatidosis at approximately 5.6 cases per 100,000 persons and at average 11.2 cases per one year. Among total patients’ involvements, house wives 22 (39.28%) were high infected and then followed by the workers and students 12(21.4%) and 11(19.64%) respectively. According to the organs patients involvement liver was highly infected 31(55.3%) and then followed by lungs 9(16.07). The age group (41-50) yrs. was 13(23.21%) highly infected than other ages, and the females (53.57%) were high infected than males (46.4%) among total patients infected. The economic loses of 56 cases treated surgically was approximately 112000$ USA$. This study is the first time talking about economic losses in this city of Iraq. The result of 60 sample feces examination of stray dogs showed that 36.6% of which were contaminated with eggs of E. granulosus. The high percentage of infection with this parasite (60%), was found at the Slaughtered animal's area, south of city center and the lowest (10%) was at Awarakan, Jutyaran & sharawan2 area, north of city center.


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كيفية الاقتباس

barzanji, A., & Saida, L. (2019). Echinococcosis in Kurdistan Iraq: Prevalence of Cystic Hydatidosis in Man with a Survey of E.granulosus eggs in Stray Dogs in Kalar City, Sulaymania Province, Kurdistan- Iraq. Journal of University of Raparin, 6(1), 114–128.



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