The analysis Hydromorphometric Watershed Barsool Basin


  • Hushyar Ibrahim Mina Department of Geography, College of Humanities, University of Raparin, Ranya, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.
  • Pshtiwan Ali Mohmmed Department of Geography, College of Humanities, University of Raparin, Ranya, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.
  • Yadgar Mustafa Ibrahim Department of Geography, College of Humanities, University of Raparin, Ranya, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.
  • Pshtiwan Shfeeq Ahmed Department of Geography, College of Humanities, University of Raparin, Ranya, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Barsool, Basin, Hydro Morphometric, Relief, Drainage


The Barsool River watershed is one of the branches of the lower Zab River in the Pishdar district. It flows into the lower Zab River about 100 meters southwest of Kawiya village. It is located between the latitudes (o36 07" 14'-o36 12" 00’) of North and longitudes (o45 "09 '51-o45 "19 '22) of East. The main source of this river is located in the Kurdistan Region, in the Pishdar district. The source of water for this river is located in the valley of Beklo, Gira, Dega, Badinbal, and Darashman villages. The main goal of the study is to introduce the environmental characteristics of the study area and describe the specific map for each of them in order to analyze and determine how to use the water resources in the study area. At The beginning of the research was an analysis of the natural environment of the Barsool watershed and its impact on the water flow system, such as (geology, topography, water, air, and soil). This is based on an analysis of natural characteristics and their direct and indirect impacts on river flow. In the second part, the most important hydro morphometric measurements were conducted for the watershed, emphasizing the surface water resources that are reflected in the two branches of the river (Badin and Bajkaran) that form the Barsool River in Barsool village. Groundwater includes 19 springs in terms of morphometric characteristics (area, shape, topography, flow network, and flow rate) have been described. The results show that the natural characteristics of the study area play a major role in the richness of water resources and the rapid flow of streams, rivers, and the main river of the watershed.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Mina, H. I. ., Mohmmed, P. A., Ibrahim, Y. M. ., & Ahmed, P. S. . (2023). The analysis Hydromorphometric Watershed Barsool Basin. Journal of University of Raparin, 10(2), 739–772.



Humanities & Social Sciences