Renewing the Structure of Mustazad in Goran's poems


  • Sarbaz Majeed Khoshnaw Kurdish Department, Faculty of Education, Soran University, Soran, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.
  • Yadgar Rasool Hamadamin Kurdish Department, Faculty of Arts, Soran University, Soran, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Mustazad, Increase, Section, Renewal.


Mustazad as a poetic model, is not new in Kurdish literature. There are many classic Kurdish poets who wrote poems in the form of Al-Mustazad. Mullah Al-Jaziri was the first to organize a poetic in Mustazad in the history of Kurdish literature. But in the stage of renewal of Kurdish poetry after the First World War, Kurdish poets contributed to renewing the structure of the meter in terms of weight and rhymes and the formation of the different composition in terms of number and arrangement of verses and their component parts.

The title of the research (Renewing the Structure of Mustazad in Goran's poems) is an attempt to show the characteristics of the techniques of renewal and creativity of Goran the poet, and renew the structure of Al-Mustazad at this stage.

There is a clear gap in academic studies of literary theory of comparison to the creativity of Kurdish poets in this field. There are a number of studies that describe Mustazad among other poetic templates, but there is no specialized research in this poetic model to study the renewal techniques and creative attempts of the Kurdish poet.

The research consists of two chapters: the first chapter is concerned with defining Mustazad and its techniques in both the classical and modern stages, while the second chapter is concerned with Goran's creative attempts in this regard. Through this research, the researcher reached to new results on which this poetic form was based.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Khoshnaw, S. M. ., & Hamadamin, Y. R. (2023). Renewing the Structure of Mustazad in Goran’s poems. Journal of University of Raparin, 10(2), 318–340.



Humanities & Social Sciences