The effects of social media on visual media in news transmission Rudaw channel as an example


  • Karmand Abbas Homer Media Department, Humanaties College, Slemani University, Slemani, Kurdistan regional government, Iraq
  • Hakim Osman Hamid Technical Media Department, Technical Administration College, Polytechnic University of Slemani, Slemani, Kurdistan regional government, Iraq


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Influence, Social Networks, Broadcast Media(television), News, Rudaw.


This research has attempted to address the influence of social networks on news and information transmission by considering the knowledge of the nature of the relationship between social networks and visual media. This research is important for the Kurdistan Region. It gives television channels a clear view of how to deal when using social networks, and to take the appropriate scientific approach towards developing and creating effects when transferring news and information to their recipients. The type of research is descriptive and done through a survey method. The research's objectives are based on the conducted surveys. The community of this research is the Kurdistan Regional Government's news channel. The sample for this research includes a comprehensive mass of all journalists involved in the process of preparing and producing news on the Rudaw channel. One of the most important conclusions that the researcher has come to is that social networks have an impact on visual media in the process of producing and transmitting news - and this impact is direct: it has created an impact on knowledge, affection, and behavior of visual media messengers. At the same time, social networks have become an important source of news and information for television channels. Social networks have become a reason for the further development of television channels. Television channels are trying to become compatible with social networks, not to let social networks become a reason for their weakness, particularly in transmitting information to recipients


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كيفية الاقتباس

Homer, K. A. ., & Hamid, H. O. . (2023). The effects of social media on visual media in news transmission Rudaw channel as an example. Journal of University of Raparin, 10(2), 84–115.



Humanities & Social Sciences