A Pragmatic Study of Person Deixis in A.S.A.Harrison’s “The Silent Wife”


  • Mahabad Izaddin M.Amin Soran University Faculty of Arts
  • Ali Mahmood Jukil Salahaddin University College of Basic Education



الكلمات المفتاحية:

pragmatics, Deixis, Person deixis, Yan Huang,The Silent Wife


The study deals with a pragmatic study of person deixis in A.S.A. Harrison’s novel The Silent Wife. The purpose of this study is to present the frequency and the percentage of person deixis and the forms of person deixis in A.S.A. Harrison’s novel The Silent Wife and to determine the most prominent form of person deixis used in this novel. Also, to find out all the linguistic forms that function as person deixis. The source of the data is the direct utterances of the participants in the `English novel The Silent Wife written by A.S.A. Harrison in 2013.

The novel is analysed by adapting Yan Huang’s theory (2014). The method of this research is a “mixed method” of Qualitative and Quantitative method. It is hypothesized that person pronouns are the most dominant forms of person deixis.It is concluded that first person singular pronouns are probably the most frequent words in the novel.


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كيفية الاقتباس

M.Amin, M. I., & Jukil, A. M. (2019). A Pragmatic Study of Person Deixis in A.S.A.Harrison’s “The Silent Wife”. Journal of University of Raparin, 6(1), 91–113. https://doi.org/10.26750/paper



Humanities & Social Sciences