Compound Adjectives in General and in French Language in Specific


  • Pakhshan Fahmi Farho Research Centre, Faculty of Engineering, Koya University, Koya, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.
  • Hatem Wlya Mohammed Kurdish Department, College of Educqtion, University of Salahddin, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.



Compounding, Ajdectives, Native, Neological, Patterns.


Compounding is an effectiv process of morphology to produce new items in dictionary. In this research we focus on compound adjectives in general and its’ properties in in French language. In this research we easily identify that compound adjectives are very rarely studied compared to compound nouns. This research starts by an introduction about compound adjectives and then the basic items that are used to create compound adjectives are presented, then we foucus on the cases that are no considerd as compound in French language, after that we specify the types of compounding and the pattern that are used to form compound adjectives in French language. At the end we talk about endocentric and exocentric compound adjectives. Finaly, we come to the conclution that this subject is ill-posed and very far from being clearly resolved and thesre are many different approaches to define this subject. For this reason, we tried to present add the different approaches.


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How to Cite

Farho, P. F. ., & Mohammed, H. W. . (2022). Compound Adjectives in General and in French Language in Specific. Journal of University of Raparin, 9(4), 17–44.



Humanities & Social Sciences